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  • eggbucklandcc

End of Term on Friday 18th December

The College and Parent calendar states that the end of the autumn term for students is Friday 18th December at 1:25pm. However, because of the current COVID timetable, the scheduled release time for students is problematic as it falls in the middle of period 4 for Years 7, 8 and 10 and during lunch for Years 9, 11 and the Sixth Form. We have therefore changed the plans at the end of term to the following:

Periods 1 and 2 will remain teaching periods. At break the canteen will serve food/snacks Period 3 will be shortened to ensure a staggered release for all students. 12:00pm : Post 16 students, Year 11 and Year 7 can leave the College site. 12:05pm: Year 10 and 8 can leave the College site. 12:10pm : Year 9 can leave the College site.

We appreciate that some parents/carers may not be able to re-schedule their plans to accommodate a 12pm release. Therefore, the Main Hall/Boardwalk will remain open for students not able to return home until 1:25pm. The Leadership Team will supervise these students and ensure they remain in their year group bubbles.

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